Meetup Invite


Saturday, November 5, 2011

Well, a lot has happened since my last post. My Mom had a fall on July 23rd. She uses a electric scooter chair to get to and from the dining room back to her apartment. On this night the meal ended and one of the staff brought her scooter to her, but forgot to unplug the key. This is the on button for this model. Key in, scooter on, and if you touch a lever it moves. Mom put her foot on the floor board, started to step up with her other foot and accidently pushed the lever while grabbing the handles to balance herself. The scooter lurched forward and Mom went over backwards. Best as we can guess, she bruised the back of her left leg on the seat as she was going down.

Beginning of August Mom wasn't feeling right and Cedarfield rushed her to the ER. They said it was just a flu and sent her home. Three days later I took her again and insisted on them checking her for a stroke. I explained about the fall and that she had hit her head on the wall. That time they said she had a UTI and no stroke and sent her home. Just 3 more days, she called me as I was driving up and said "I don't feel good, I think I am going to pass out, I think I am going to die now" well, if that wasn't dramatic enough to scare me to death I don't know what was. I hung up with her and called the Nurse and told them to hurry and call 911. They didn't call until I got there, but they were there with her when I arrived. So 911 was called, and Mom went to the ER for the 3rd time in a week. This time, a really on the ball Doctor was in charge and he ordered a Chest CT and found she had a blood clot and that it had been breaking off and going to her lung. Pulmonary Embollism and they put her on blood thinners. She was sent home to Health Care and they wouldn't let her go back to her Independant Living apartment. So the process started to packing her to move to Assisted Living.

I was working hard cleaning and preparing her place for the move. I was doing her laundry and taking care of anything she needed. The move was set for 11/3/2011 and I was there every day for over a week packing, and cleaning. Then on Friday the 28th of October I had to make a stop at my brothers office  before driving up. It was cold, drizzly and just darn yucky out. I walked in the door to his building, got about 5 feet inside when my left foot went sliding forward and my right leg just gave out. I fell hard with my leg crumpled under me. When I went to straighten it out I started to scream, the pain was overwhelming. At first I only felt the pain in my knee, but then I realized my foot was even worse. Jim came out of his office and sent someone to call 911 to take me to the Hospital. I had broken my ankle and was down for the count.

While I am stuck at home with a cast and strict no weight on right leg rules, Jim and his wife had to take off and help Mom with her move. I feel aweful, useless and down right depressed. For years I have been there for Mom. Now I feel like I have let everyone down. And I am stuck in the house with a wheel chair and a walker, but no way of going anywhere. Richard is working on building me a ramp. But his boss is not giving him time off, so it's really hard on him too.

Anyhow, needless to say, I won't be doing much cooking anytime soon. But I will try and keep everyone posted on my progress here and on Facebook and Twitter. Stay tuned. :)


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