Meetup Invite


Sunday, November 20, 2011

Here is a semi-documentation of progress so far. First day after fall, this is the temporary cast that Southside Regional Medical put on my leg in the ER. It was too tight and was crimping into my ankle. So had to have a rush appointment with Colonial Orthopedics who cut that cast off.

And here is how my foot looked right after. My toes were swollen and my ankle is too. And look at the bruising around my knee. It's just starting to show here.

When I hit the floor my foot was under my behind, the knee completely flexed back. The bruising is where the knee hit the floor on the way down.

This is the Royal Purple beast that they put on at Colonial Orthopedics. My foot stayed swollen a good deal of the time, but I kept it up as much as I could.

This is the beautiful Ramp my hubby built. He is still working on hand rails and at the end he needs to put a landing as the walk doesn't meet up with the driveway. Poor planning on the part of the people who put in the driveway and our deck to start with.

My new hair cut to make it easy to deal with. I really don't like my hair this short, but sometimes you just have to go with it. Besides, I know my hair grows fast, so it won't be short for long. Sigh

Big Purple Cast is off. My ankle looks horrid. All bruised from the cast and the break. Doc gave me a shot of Marcaine in my ankle to numb it. That lasted almost 12 hours. Around midnight I started crying because the new cast was tighter and heavier. Misery to the millionth power.

The pink cast. It is tighter, and they made it heavier because there is more of the fiberglass wrapping. I am now in the start of week 4. Hopefully only will have a cast for another 2 1/2 weeks. Then I go to a walking boot.
Here is Mom with Uno. We finally got up to see her on Saturday, Nov 19th, thanks to Richard driving us up there. What a production that was. I feel for Richard. He had to get me, my walker and wheel chair into car. Then up at Mom's get it all out of car. Turns out, Uno would be a great Sled Dog. LOL He pulled me in the Wheel Chair. I just kept my good foot (with boot on) to the ground as a rudder to stay straight. Mom was thrilled to see us and I was so happy to see her apartment. I don't think much of Jim's idea of furniture arrangement, but I wasn't there, so I can't make changes. At least she is somewhat settled in.
We will be back up there this Thursday for Thanksgiving and then all drive to Jim's. Not sure how that will go, but we will see.
Anyhow, a big thanks to my Hubby for all his hard work to make things as easy for me as he can. He has really stepped up and I am so proud of him.
Till next time, have fun everyone, and remember, "Watch out for wet Linoleum!"

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