The second time I visited was in 1977 and again I was taken by the warmth and love that I felt from Rosanne and family. I learned to eat more veggies this time. LOL Jeannie was a Vegetarian and she helped me so much with learning to eat healthy.
Now I wish I could go and visit and give back somehow to this incredible Aunt who taught me so much. I don't have the money for this trip so it's just a wish and frustrating too. I have entered every contest I can find in hopes of getting a free trip out there. No luck so far. But I keep trying.
So hug your family. Give them lots of love. You never know when you won't be able to see them again. As we get older, so do our Aunts, Uncles, Parents and so on. And eventually they are gone and we would give anything to say "I love you!" just one more time.