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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A while ago I saw a segment about Black Garlic at this URL and was enthralled with the idea of a Garlic that is better than roasted and delicious to use in recipes. I searched all over for it and found some at a brand new Super Kroger store across from Short Pump Mall. I immediately peeled a few cloves and diced them up and used them as a spread with a bit of olive oil on Boboli Crusts to make home made pizzas. The flavor was mellow, nutty and perfect. The problem... finding more.

Tonight I did an online search and found out much more about this delightful sensation. It's new to the US and chefs around this country. But in Korea it has been around for centuries. The best part, it doesn't give you bad breath like raw garlic and it's health benefits are doubled in the fermenting process.

It is easy to use, just peel the skin which is loose and easily removed, then dice, slice, mash or however you want to use it. You can even just eat the cloves as they are sweet and you won't suffer the Halitosis that regular garlic will give you.

So where did I find some? Try or you can order some from Amazon but it was cheeper at the website. I have been told some Asian markets carry it, but there are none in the Chester area. I am telling grocers and produce managers all over the area about the benefits of Black Garlic. Hopefully, some will take the hint and start carrying it.

So if you want to try something different, go on your own hunt for Black Garlic today! You will be so glad you did.

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